Model 231 and Code of Ethics

Sharing our principles and values


Nucleco has adopted an Organization, Management and Control Model (Model 231), pursuant to the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

Compliance with laws and the principles of transparency, professionalism, ethical integrity and fairness are a constant commitment and duty for our entire organization. It therefore has a Code of Ethics that forms an integral and significant part of the Model.

The code, adopted by the Board of Directors, sets out Nucleco’s rights, duties and responsibilities towards its stakeholders. This set of ethical principles and values inspires the activities of all those who work for the Company, members of corporate bodies, consultants and partners.

In 2013, the Model and the Code were updated in order to implement the recommendations of audits and risk assessment and to integrate regulatory provisions relating to environmental crimes, the use of non-EU workers with illegal residence and the prevention and combating of corruption and illegality in public administration.

The operation and observance of the Model is entrusted to the Supervisory Board, a single-member body that has full autonomy and functional independence and reports to the Board of Directors.

To strengthen the implementation of Model 231 and the effectiveness of the Code of Ethics, the Company provides training, in particular for new employees.

Nucleco Organizational Model (including the Code of Ethics)

Any violation or suspected violation of Model 231/01 and/or any other information concerning its implementation can be reported to: 

The Sogin Supervisory Board - Via Anguillarese 301 - 00123 ROME  

The Supervisory Board evaluates the reports it receives with responsibility and discretion.

The Board guarantees confidentiality regarding the identity of anyone who passes on information useful for identifying behaviour that runs contrary to what is stipulated in the Model.