Online the Sustainability Report 2020 of Sogin Group

29 July 2021

From today the Sustainability Report 2020 of Sogin Group is online on and It is a voluntary tool through which the Company tells the stakeholders about the main activities, the essential data, and the objectives achieved.

The document is prepared according to the "in accordance core" option of the Sustainability Reporting Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative, following the principles of inclusiveness, materiality, and responsiveness issued by AccountAbility. For the second consecutive year, the Sustainability Report highlights how the Group's activities contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Among the new features of the 2020 edition is Sogin's Industrial Plan 2020-2025, which aims to improve the Group's performance in nuclear decommissioning and is based on two drivers: innovation and sustainability. In this regard, the Sogin Group is drawing up its first Sustainability Plan, which will be approved by the end of the year.

This Plan will aim to set out the Group's strategic commitment by integrating sustainability into its activities to develop the circular economy, enhancing the value of its distinctive skills, and increasing the involvement of the territories in which it operates through its commitment to creating shared value. With the consolidation of a "sustainability governance" and increased transparency, this process will guarantee coherence to the sustainable action of the Group.

Together with the Sustainability Report 2020, a short questionnaire​ is also online to collect suggestions and opinions to make the document increasingly in line with stakeholders' expectations and needs.

Bilancio di Sostenibilità Gruppo Sogin 2020

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