Confirmation of EMAS registration and ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certification

09 August 2023

Nucleco obtains confirmation of the EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) registration from the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee.

EMAS is a voluntary environmental management tool. The process was concluded following the validation of the Environmental Declaration by an internal Verification Body, a result of the Company's commitment to improving its environmental performance and reporting to stakeholders on its goals and results.

The Environmental Declaration, which is a tool for enhancing transparency and communication, can be found in the Quality, Environment and Safety section.

Another important step is the confirmation of the environmental certification according to ISO 14001 and the occupational health and safety certification according to ISO 45001.

The results obtained attest to Nucleco's constant commitment to ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and continuing along its path towards integrating sustainability into the company's strategy, with the utmost attention to environmental and safety aspects.

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